ObjectDNS/hp (Gen3)

High Performance ObjectDNS and arbitrary text data storage and retrieval system.

ObjectDNS/hp is a high performance ObjectDNS and arbitrary text data storage and retrieval system for SecondLife and other virtual worlds.

ObjectDNS/hp is portable, scalable, multi-threaded, multi-socketed, and asynchronous - capable of handling over 50,000 simultaneous requests on commodity hardware when using an MS SQL Server backend with just a single instance. ObjectDNS/hp is capable of servicing requests in under 400 microseconds.

ObjectDNS/hp services a number of simulators and thousands of scripts within SecondLife and has even driven inter-sim communications systems faster and more reliably than the native group chat.

ObjectDNS/hp's high availability and throughput along with its arbitrary text data storage and retrieval speeds up script config loading by orders of magnitude - in mere milliseconds, you can have your configuration loaded as opposed to waiting 0.1 seconds per line to read a notecard.

Contact us in-world for licensing information.